We must see and consider our children as their Creator, Father God designed them:
Inheritors and carriers of God’s Kingdom (Matthew 19:14b)
A residence, and friend of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19)
To walk in and demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 17)
Are loved and valued by Jesus (John 19: 13-14a)
Abiding “fruit” bearers (John 15:4-5)
If there is no “junior” Holy Spirit, then what are the limitations of our children in God’s Kingdom? Furthermore, consider what Papa God desires to do through and with our children who possess the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit that resides in a vessel of purity.
Kids in His Presence ministries and resources reflect these truths and focus on helping children come to know the Father, bring Heaven to earth, and fulfill their destiny.
Kids Carrying The Kingdom

Lessons 1-13 137 Pages
01 "Two Kingdoms" defines and contrasts the Kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of darkness
02 "Who's My Daddy?" reveals God the Creator as God our Heavenly Father
03 "God's Love Reaches Down" shows how a loving and Holy God reached through our sin
04 "Royal Mission" an invitation to God's children to bring Heaven to earth
05 "A Gift From Heaven" introduces the power of God, the Holy Spirit
06 "Smeared With God" a teaching and releasing of God's anointing
07 "Authority to Rule" the authority Jesus has given us to demonstrate His Kingdom on earth
08 "Soaking in His Presence" describes how to "be still and know God"
09 "Hearing God's Voice" how to hear and recognize when God is talking to us
10 "God's Word are Good" teaching, demonstrating and releasing the gift of prophecy
11 God's Healing Love" a scriptural study on God's desire to heal
12 "Healing the Sick" teaches children how to minister God's love through praying for the sick
13 "Review/Special Events Week"

Lessons 14-26 144 Pages
14 "Welcome Holy Spirit" introduces the Holy Spirit as a promised by Father God, part of the Trinity.
15 "A Guiding Light?" the Holy Spirit as a companion who guides us to all truth.
16 "Praying in the Spirit" building up our spirit man, following the Holy Spirit.
17 "A Pure Heart" Closeness to God keeps our heart pure, we are righteous.
18 "Loving the Lord - Part 1" God is love, and He first loved us. Understanding His love.
19 "Loving the Lord - Part II" Loving God with all our heart, soul and mind.
20 "Powerful Peace" Peace protects our heart, makes us feel secure, is a powerful force agianst the devil
21 "Love Your Neighbor" loving our neighbor by giving and serving from our heart.
22 "Attitude of Gratitude" being thankful is a lifestyle, an act of worship, a powerful force.
23 "A Heart To Give" True giving comes from the heart, reflects God's love.
24 "Speaking our Heart" Our words can build up or tear down... use them wisely.
25 "Power of Forgiveness" teaches forgiveness sets people free.
26 "Review/Special Events Week"

Lessons 27-39 149 Pages
27 "God is in a Good Mood" Reveals the goodness of God
28 "Faith Is" A wonderful gift from Papa God
29 "Faith Pleases God" Having strong faith in God says that we know who our Father is and that He is good.
30 "Power of the Testimony I" Declaring the mighty works of God, helps us “see” and discover who our Father is.
31 "A Power of the Testimony II" Testimonies remind us who we are in God.
32 "A Love Letter" The Bible "Love letters" to us reveal His love for us.
33 "My Treasure" The Bible is a valuable treasure that feeds our spirit and equips us.
34 "Strengthen Yourself" Our strength is in His presence. The story of David.
35 "Compassion" A powerful force, brings God’s love and power together to help people.
36 "God's Glory" Revealing His power, holiness, love and awesome splendor.
37 "A Thankful Heart" Thankfulness as a act of worship brings us into a place of intimacy with God.
38 "Joy to the World" The joy of the Lord is our supernatural strength.
39 "Review/Special Events Week"

Lessons 40-52 145 Pages
40 "What Was God Thinking When He Made You?" Reveals the good thoughts the Father has for us.
41 "Lightning From Heaven" the power of prayers (agreement and declarations).
42 "Praying God's Heart" describes intercessory prayer.
43 "A Culture of Honor" living out this Kingdom value as a lifestyle.
44 "Giving Honor" how to demonstrate honor to whom it is due.
45 "Courage" loving God more than the opinion of peers.
46 "A Servant's Heart" describes Kingdom promotion through servant leadership
47 "A Piece of the Puzzle" our uniqueness and connection with others displays th Kingdom of Heaven.
48 "Good To GO!" our mission to bring God's Kingdom to the nations as Jesus' inheritance.
49 "Seven Mountains" identifies the spheres of culture that we get to influence.
50 "Mountains Climbers" how to release the Kingdom to the mountains of influence.
51 "Fruit for a Friend" describes the motivation and heart for bringing Heaven to earth.
52 "Review/Special Events Week"
Heart Bucket Series

Ten short exercises to help children invite God's presence and hear His voice.
Ten short exercises to help chldren receive and experience the Father's love.
Ten short exercises to help chldren receive and give away God's Kingdom of love.
Ten short exercises to help chldren receive from Heaven and walk in God's love.

Leader's Guide
Leader's Guide & Brochures
Hearts need to be prepared to allow a true impartation of and by the Holy Spirit. By discovering their identity and destiny this manual equips children to effectively "minister" today.
This manual contains 12 lessons and one set of color brochures (one per lesson - additional brochures can be ordered). Lessons include: Bible verse, skit or object lesson, materials needed list, and a special "Note to the Teacher". Ages 6 - 11. Grades 1 - 5.
Affirming Foundations
Affirming Foundations
Four foundational truths which provide a solid base for our Christian faith... Salvation, Water Baptism, Communion, and the Holy Spirit. These lessons are taught from the perspective of "Papa God's" absolute love for us and reveal God's Kingdom in a way children can easily comprehend and receive. These lessons are great for outreach and mission programs as well.
The accompanying CD contains PowerPoint presentations and reproducible color and activity pages.
Ages 6 - 11. Grades 1 -5.
Written by Mike Seth
© 2023 Kids In His Presence