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Kid's Carrying The Kingdom
4 Volume Curriculum
Year Long Journey
12 Weekly Lessons
1 Review Lesson
Ages 6-11
Lessons Include:
Teaching Outline
Scripture References
Object Lessons
"Heaven to Home" Parent Page
"Class Act" Group Time
Reproducible Memory-Color & Activity Pages
This four volume curriclum takes our chidlren on a year long journey where they encounter the Father's love through Jesus Christ, discover their identity, and are equipped and released to fullfil their "Royal Mission"... bringing Heaven to earth.
Lessons include: Teaching outline, Scripture references, object lessons, dramas, "Heaven to Home" parent page, "Class Act" time for group activation and reproducible memory-color & activity pages. Comesin 3 ring binder. 12 weekly lessons and 1 review lesson.
Ages 6 - 11
Color/Activity/Parents pages are the only pages allowed to be photocopied.
Leader's Guide & Brochures
Hearts need to be prepared to allow a true impartation of and by the Holy Spirit. By discovering their identity and destiny this manual equips children to effectively "minister" today.
This manual contains 12 lessons and one set of color brochures (one per lesson - additional brochures can be ordered). Lessons include: Bible verse, skit or object lesson, materials needed list, and a special "Note to the Teacher". Ages 6 - 11. Grades 1 - 5.
My Heart Is A Bucket
Exercises for Children
Ideal for Children
Complete teacher's guide
Sharing God's love
Digital Download
Exercises for kids
This series uses simple object lessons placed in a "Bucket" to teach about Papa God and His love for them.
We are loving these life lessons!
Each Sunday after children's worship, we have been using "My Heart is a Bucket" in our children's ministry to prepare them for the curriculum which we will be using after completing the "Heart Bucket". We are extremely happy with the changes in our children in 6 weeks! We use it for Pre-school through 5th grade and it's been fun to see how the kids are really "getting" it! Instead of just memorizing scripture (which they also are doing), they are actually understanding what it means and how to walk it out! Parents have commented on changes they've seen in their kids. We especially love how we are able to review each lesson and then build with the new.
God spoke, to my husband and I, quite clearly saying "keep it simple" and these lessons are exactly that.
Esta serie presenta cuatro fundamentos de nuestra fe cristiana: La Salvación, El Bautismo en Agua, La Santa Cena y El Bautismo en el Espíritu Santo Enseñamos estas lecciones desde el punto de vista del amor absoluto que tiene nuestro “Papá Dios” por nosotros. Revelan el Reino de Dios en una forma sencilla y comprensible que cualquier niño pueda entender y recibir.
© 2023 Kids In His Presence